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    Exhibition “The Little Prince and the Aviator” at Château l’Hospitalet

Exhibition “The Little Prince and the Aviator” at Château l’Hospitalet

In collaboration with the Fondation Antoine de Saint Exupéry pour la Jeunesse, the Château l’Hospitalet in Narbonne, owned by Gérard Bertrand, will be hosting “The Little Prince and the Aviator” from June 3 to September 25, 2023, an exceptional exhibition in honor of the Little Prince’s 80th birthday.
Visitors can discover the poetic and philosophical […]

2 June 2023|
  • Permalink Gallery

    Evening in honor of Antoine de Saint Exupéry at the Residence of France in Washington D.C.

Evening in honor of Antoine de Saint Exupéry at the Residence of France in Washington D.C.

The French Ambassador in the United States, Laurent BILI, hosted a reception on May 17, 2023, at the Residence of France in Washington D.C. in honor of the French Caucus of the U.S. Congress, with the Saint Exupéry Foundation, to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the 1st publication of The Little Prince in the […]

17 May 2023|
  • Permalink Gallery

    Anniversary of the Little Prince and launch of the France-Thailand year of Innovation 2023

Anniversary of the Little Prince and launch of the France-Thailand year of Innovation 2023

The French Ambassador in Thailand, Thierry MATHOU, and his wife organized, with the support of the Antoine de Saint Exupéry Youth Foundation, a dinner at the Residence of France, on Tuesday 24 January 2023, in the presence of the astronaut Claudie HAIGNERE, godmother of the Foundation, and of a large delegation of Thai and […]

26 January 2023|
  • Permalink Gallery

    Participation of SIPAR in the 2022 edition of the Book Fair in Phnom Pehn

Participation of SIPAR in the 2022 edition of the Book Fair in Phnom Pehn

In December 2022, the 2nd Phnom Penh Book Fair was held and welcomed more than 100,000 people.

On this occasion, SIPAR, supported by the Antoine de Saint Exupéry Youth Foundation, exhibited its books on two stands.
The association allows young Cambodians to discover other books than school books. This work is above all pedagogical to bring […]

20 December 2022|
  • Permalink Gallery

    Exhibition “Saint Exupéry and his military commitment” at the headquarters of the Souvenir Français

Exhibition “Saint Exupéry and his military commitment” at the headquarters of the Souvenir Français

On the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the publication of the famous book Flight to Arras, the national association Le Souvenir Français has invited the Antoine de Saint Exupéry Youth Foundation to present in its Paris headquarters a unique exhibition dedicated to the military commitment of Commander Antoine de Saint Exupéry.
This exhibition presents […]

14 December 2022|